Sunday, September 2, 2012

Partners in Parenting

Partners in Parenting

Coaching and Support for Families Welcoming a New Baby

Laurie Kinigstein, LCSW:  Founder and Parenting Coach

Partners in Parenting is an in-home family counseling and support program which specializes in helping families with the emotional and practical challenges commonly faced by parents during the first year with a new child.  On a practical level, I address sleep difficulties, feeding issues, attachment, child development questions, sibling rivalries and challenges of parenting multiples.  On an emotional level, I offer support and assistance related to complex feelings that can follow the birth of a child, including post-partum depression and anxiety.  In addition, I provide guidance to parenting teams on how to function more cohesively as a unit.  Services for parents-to-be are also offered, including preparing a nursery, greening a home, general care of a newborn, and assistance with emotionally preparing all members of a family for the new addition to their home.  All services are tailored to your individual needs and are provided in the comfort of your home.

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